Members of the World Research Council acknowledge that they are scientifically and
professionally involved with the interdependence of natural, social, and technological systems. They are
dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge that advances the sciences and professions
involving multi-disciplines.
In an effort to promote the highest quality of scientific and professional conduct among its members, the
World Research Council endorses the following guiding principles, which represent basic scientific
and professional values of our profession.
Members shall:
1. Uphold the highest standards of scientific investigation and professional comportment, and an
uncompromising commitment to the advancement of knowledge.
2. Honor the rights and accomplishments of others and properly credit the work and ideas of others.
3. Strive to avoid conflicts of interest.
4. Demonstrate social responsibility in scientific and professional practice, by considering whom
their scientific and professional activities benefit, and whom they neglect.
5. Provide honest and impartial advice on subjects about which they are informed and qualified.
6. As mentors of the next generation of scientific and professional leaders, strive to instill these
ethical standards in students at all educational levels.